- Install Sabaki
- Download the latest release of KataGo and extract it somewhere sensible
- Download the human-like model, don't extract this
- In Sabaki, open preferences
- Click on Engines
- Click "Add"
- Give the engine a name
- In "no arguments", add the following:
gtp -config C:/KataGoPath/v1.15.0-opencl/gtp_human5k_example.cfg -model C:/ModelPath/b18c384nbt-humanv0.bin.gz -human-model C:/ModelPath/b18c384nbt-humanv0.bin.gz - In sabaki, attach an engine:
- Right-click the engine to set it as a player:
Monday, 29 July 2024
Let's Go: setting up KataGo's Human-like network
Monday, 26 June 2023
I'm going to learn Rust. I mean, I mostly already know it, but I want to have a clear goal to strive for, so here goes:
Gain an understanding of lifetimes and the borrow checker
Support open source projects I care about
Write at least 1 open source project in 6 months. I have a list:
- Postgres Logical Replication Validator -- we have one (written by me) at work, but it's in Python. Convert to rust and publish
- postgres-exporter -- export query statistics from pg dbs
- repmgr flapping-foo -- when repmgr starts flapping, lower the requirements for failover successively, ish
Biggest hurdle is probably finding the time. I have some at work, so that's good. Now I just need to figure out where to find the data I need.
Monday, 19 June 2023
Pivot! Pivot!
I might not be playing that much (roleplaying games, at least) these days. New family member, other hobbies, work... there are only so many hours in the day for all of them. That said, I don't really want to give up this blog either. Sure, I'm not ... prolific ... in my writing, to say the least, but I think my writing has value. I don't, however, see myself writing RPG things as such here at the moment. So here's the roadmap:
I'm not gonna.
I'm gonna write about things I care about, instead. It might be RPGs. It might be bread. It might be programming. But I'll write.
Wednesday, 12 October 2022
Cy-Borg, initial thoughts
Got my hands on a copy of Cy-borg (Cy-Borg, with a capital B?). It's got neon, it's got cybertech, it's got that neo-synth thing going on. It is completely empty.
The book has all the trappings of a cyberpunk book, but it offers us nothing new. At this point, the 80s and 90s cyberpunk ideas are just dated, and regurgitating their style and messages (old already in the 90s) gives us nothing new. As a tribute to the 80s/90s? I guess it's fine? Like, my issue is largely the fact that Cy- only reduces cyberpunk to a collection of objects, colors and moods, and it gives us nothing but a "Corporations bad" statement; it is, stylistically and linguistically, stuck in an exaggeration of the pointers of older titles. Someone much smarter than me once wrote (paraphrased) that Pacific Rim gladly steals from a bunch of things (games, comics etc), but the idea is that if you steal you're supposed to give something back. Here we are, with Cy- doing the same thing.
We should ask ourselves how a cyberpunk game should look in the year 2022, not "what if 80s but exaggerated?" This is where Cy- falls short -- its author asks no questions. What about necro- and psychopolitics, or exploring state vs/and individual, isolation/enclosure, intellectual rights/private properties has evolved (WB shuttering thousands of shows just for a tax write-off is adjacent, for sure) and its connected ideologies. Hustle mentality, grindset etc. How does actual control look today?
An RPG written today shouldn't be schooled by an anime that's 20 years older, yet here we are. Lain and adjacents (Paranoia Agent, Pulse) are all asking more pertinent questions about the state of today than Cy- is. Goddamn.
For a more cyberpunk game, take a look at iHunt. Yes. A game that's not even framing itself as a cyberpunk game is more cyberpunk than Cy- (by virtue of being a game set in the now, not the 80s). Good fucking job.
At least the art is pretty. But it becomes shallow when there's nothing underneath.
Monday, 2 May 2022
What's up, nerds?
In the last chapter...
I wrote a thread about this on the bird app, but I'll write about it here too.
After a break of Electric Bastionland (itself having had a longer break because we (as in my wife and I) lost our daughter last summer), the group™is returning to the Fantasy Game. Last time we saw them, they had successfully exited the dungeon proper, and was heading towards the nearest City.
What city?
Step the one:
Wednesday, 11 August 2021
Proof of Concept: Merging encounter tables
I made a thing: https://4w8wj.csb.app/!
It's a proof of concept of merging encounter tables. Like, the party is moving through a forest hex towards a mountain hex. The forest has its own encounter table, and the mountain another one. With this tool, we'd be able to load both and roll on either of them, or we could weigh it so that when we're closer to the mountain there's a larger chance that we'll roll on the mountain table but there's still a chance to roll a forest encounter? Does that make sense?
Anyway, it took about an hour to throw this together, but for a future app, I'd need some more planning. Ideally, I'd want users to be able to save their lists to their "account" (I don't like accounts, but something like OAuth would do?) and select those. A way to roll on the tables is a given. What else? A really cool thing to have could be parsing the results (so "1d6 goblins" becomes "3 goblins").
I'll be honest; this idea isn't mine. I stole it from Ten Foot Polemic, which is a terrific blog. I just made it into a PoC.
Let me know if you have any ideas I could steal implement, or at least consider, for a future app!
Sunday, 18 July 2021
Some shrooms
Someone made a mushroom generator. It's not terribly useful, but perhaps you're interested anyway: https://friggingfrogs.itch.io/colorful-fungi.
I almost made a generator out of it, but decided against it. That said, I did prepare a bunch of mushroom images that now have nowhere to go and since they're made from public domain photos and then reworked by me, I figure I can re-release.
The images are released under the Trans Copyright Act:
You may use the material free of charge in any commercial or non-commercial work, as long as this text is included for said material:
Trans women are women.
Trans men are men.
All queer lives are valid.
Black Lives Matter.

Let's Go: setting up KataGo's Human-like network
TL;DR: It's all about them command-line arguments. Here's a short guide: Install Sabaki Download the latest release of KataGo and e...
TL;DR: It's all about them command-line arguments. Here's a short guide: Install Sabaki Download the latest release of KataGo and e...
How do you fix the Magic-User? It can't be fun to have one spell and then not feel relevant once that's used. Option 1: Barbaria...
I'm going to learn Rust. I mean, I mostly already know it, but I want to have a clear goal to strive for, so here goes: Gain an underst...