Tuesday, 16 February 2021

Owing to my sins my troubles have grown and my laments increased

Who is Zach Snyder and why should I care?

I guess he made some movies. Oh my god, he's making The Fountainhead, well I guess I know all that I need to know about that pasty white guy.

He's also "Developing 'Faithful' Retelling of King Arthur's Legend" (orz). I mean, okay? Which one? De Excidio et Conquestu Britanniae by Gildas? Ok, Arthur's not mentioned by name but the Battle of Mons Badonicus is? Historia Brittonum? Annales Cambriae? Preiddeu Annwfn?

Do you see the point? We have 4 different works across 400 years, lol. A few more in 10th century CE, Pa Gur yv y Porthaur ("Who is the gatekeeper?") and Englynion y Beddau ("Stanzas of the graves") (might I just say that Welsh is badass and ya'll should be proper proud of your language, I love it).

6 more in 11th century, and in 12th century CE it just explodes. There's Tournai's De miraculis sanctae Mariae Laudunensis, which is an early witness to the legend of Arthur's survival, and Life of Saint Kentigern which mentions Merlin (Lailoken), to mention a few. In French and Anglo-Norman you have Tristan by either BĂ©rouc or Thomas of Britain, de Troyes' poems, Robert de Boron's poems among other sources. Then you have Oberge's Tristan (lol, you don't need unique names) in German, Zatzikhoven's Lanzelet which is a rendering of a lost French tale of Lancelot, predating Troyes's Lancelot.

There is so much. You can't call your adaptation "faithful" because you cannot be faithful to so many sources. Fuck Snyder and his posturing.

Anyway. The reason why I wanted to bring this to your attention is this: there's a Hebrew translation of parts of the Vulgate Cycle (an influential literary cycle that consists of interconnected prose episodes in Old French, it focuses on the love affair between Lancelot and Guinevere); it's called Melech Artus ("King Artus") and you can buy it re-translated (and analyzed) to English (by Curt Leviant, who got to see the original manuscript and I am dying of envy). You can also read a less legal copy here.

If you speak Hebrew, you can read it here, too.

Monday, 8 February 2021

It's the dawn of a new year. A season of change.

The group

Is probably dead. Well, dead is a bad word to use when the world is struck by a global pandemic. There seems to be little interest in continuing the campaign, and so I'm leaving it on the back burner for now. I really hoped they'd want to keep playing; who /doesn't/ want to break through an eternal siege of undead monsters and bring ancient gods back to life?

The tools

I'm in the middle of changing jobs, so the tooling is taking a back seat right now, but these are in various stages of completion (that is, none of them are done):

  • The generator generator is dead. DigitalOcean killed their platform, and I want to take it in a different direction
  • Untitled Hex Project is paused
  • Generators 2: The List-ening is alive; I have a few amazing ideas for it, but I need to iron out the details.
  • Gardens of Ynn -- this generator is paused until I decide how I want to finalize it. The skeleton of it is finished, so to speak, but I feel I wanna dress it up some before I release it.
  • Chargen tool is dead, and I have no interest in touching up the issues in it either.
I'll see if I have time to write something about the development of the Generators 2 project. It's a pretty fun project, tbh, and I think people will enjoy it.

Let's Go: setting up KataGo's Human-like network

TL;DR: It's all about them command-line arguments. Here's a short guide: Install Sabaki Download the latest release of KataGo  and e...